Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dang good movie.

Julie and Jenni and I went and saw this movie the other day. I thought it would be good but had no clue how much I would LOVE it. All 3 of us were crying our eyes out. It was sad but also so happy and it just made you leave with a happy feeling of hope but was seriously such a tear jerker!! I would say it is a MUST see! I didn't see one man in the whole theater but it was so good I bet they would like it too!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The small things in life....

So the other night we had NOTHING to do so we went over to my friend Krista's house and rode her nephew and neice's 3 wheeler things. You just sit on them and turn the wheel and they go! They are amazing little things. The first night we just rode around the kitchen but the next night we went outside and rode them down the street, and that was so much fun!!! I didn't take pictures of that because we were on dates and that is weird to take pictures on a first date!! So sorry ya only get the pic's of the boring stuff! Sorry Jenni was in the there too but she was the picture taker!! We were just lucky they held up after a bunch of adults were riding them!

Blowing Bubbles...

The other day my Uncle John got married and we were all going up there as a family and while we were waiting for everyone to get together we blew bubbles with Myla. She LOVES them!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Again with the Tag...

Sorry that the only time I post is when I get a tag. But I think my dear friend Beez knows it is the only way I will blog lately so here it goes!!!

My 8 obsessions right now..
1. Loosing Weight
2. Keeping my house clean.
3. Finding ways to serve people.
4. Waking up early.
5. Saving money.
6. The election this year.
7. (I'm addicted to Celeberity sleeze its said, but I blame an office job cause you get board)
8 words or phrases I use often..
2. Are you kidding me?!
3. Awe cuute... (thanks to my cute niece Myla)
4. What the heck is going on!!
5. Are you still doing laundry?
6. 23
7. I'm sick of sitting here!!
8. I'm cold.
8 things I want to do before I die..
1. Fall in love and get married.
2. Have a few kids
3. Go on a mission with my future husband!!
4. Meet my grandkids
5. Go to Greece
6. Get a lawn for my parents and a riding lawn mower so they can mow it when they are old and alone.
7. Own a Flower shop
8. A week vacation in Fiji!
8 things I want or need right now..
1. The washer and dryer to be avaliable for me to use!
2. Flat stomach
3. Advil
4. Insurance
5. A dresser
6. New purse
7. A drink of water
8. A new phone I keep dropping mine.
8 people I tag..
1. Kristy
2. Lisa
3. Tanya
4. Brooke
5. Jenni
6. Jen
7. Julie
8. Annie